
This document deals with how you authenticate a user to call splitwise function

OAuth 1.0

OAuth1.0 provides a token that can be used to call apis. Note that this token is valid forever, unless explicitely removed by user/splitwise.

  1. Register your app on splitwise to get a consumer key and consumer secret.

  2. Import Splitwise class and create an object.

    >>> from splitwise import Splitwise
    >>> s = Splitwise("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
  3. Get Authorize URL using the object and save the oauth secret

    >>> url, oauth_token_secret = s.getAuthorizeURL()
  4. Redirect user to url, after the authorization, Splitwise will redirect back with oauth_token and oauth_verifier that can be used along with secret from step 3 to get access token.

    >>> access_token = s.getAccessToken(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier)
  5. Save this access token in your DB or somewhere. Now you can set this accesstoken and use it to make authenticated calls

    >>> s.setAccessToken(access_token)
    >>> user = s.getCurrentUser()

OAuth 2.0

You can also use OAuth2.0 to authenticate a user

  1. Register your app on splitwise to get a consumer key and consumer secret.

  2. Import Splitwise class and create an object.

    >>> from splitwise import Splitwise
    >>> s = Splitwise("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
  3. Get Authorize URL using the object and save the state. You will need to provide a redirect uri where user should be redirected to after authorization.

    >>> url, state = s.getOAuth2AuthorizeURL(redirect_uri)
  4. Redirect the user to url. After authorization, Splitwise will redirect back to redirect_uri with code and state in the query params. Make sure state is same the one stored earlier and then get the access token.

    >>> access_token = s.getOAuth2AccessToken(code, redirect_uri)
  5. You can save the access token for later use. You can now use this access token to get an authenticated splitwise object and make authenticated calls.

    >>> s.setOAuth2AccessToken(access_token)
    >>> user = s.getCurrentUser()