
This document deals with how you authenticate a user to call splitwise function

OAuth 1.0

OAuth1.0 provides a token that can be used to call apis. Note that this token is valid forever, unless explicitely removed by user/splitwise.

  1. Register your app on splitwise to get a consumer key and consumer secret.

  2. Import Splitwise class and create an object.

    >>> from splitwise import Splitwise
    >>> s = Splitwise("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
  3. Get Authorize URL using the object and save the oauth secret

    >>> url, oauth_token_secret = s.getAuthorizeURL()
  4. Redirect user to url, after the authorization, Splitwise will redirect back with oauth_token and oauth_verifier that can be used along with secret from step 3 to get access token.

    >>> access_token = s.getAccessToken(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, oauth_verifier)
  5. Save this access token in your DB or somewhere. Now you can set this accesstoken and use it to make authenticated calls

    >>> s.setAccessToken(access_token)
    >>> user = s.getCurrentUser()

OAuth 2.0

You can also use OAuth2.0 to authenticate a user

  1. Register your app on splitwise to get a consumer key and consumer secret.

  2. Import Splitwise class and create an object.

    >>> from splitwise import Splitwise
    >>> s = Splitwise("consumer_key", "consumer_secret")
  3. Get Authorize URL using the object and save the state. You will need to provide a redirect uri where user should be redirected to after authorization.

    >>> url, state = s.getOAuth2AuthorizeURL(redirect_uri)
  4. Redirect the user to url. After authorization, Splitwise will redirect back to redirect_uri with code and state in the query params. Make sure state is same the one stored earlier and then get the access token.

    >>> access_token = s.getOAuth2AccessToken(code, redirect_uri)
  5. You can save the access token for later use. You can now use this access token to get an authenticated splitwise object and make authenticated calls.

    >>> s.setOAuth2AccessToken(access_token)
    >>> user = s.getCurrentUser()


If you just want to test the APIs for your user without going through the OAuth flow, you can do that with the API key provided on your project’s detail page in Splitwise.

>>> sObj = Splitwise("<consumer key>","<consumer secret>",api_key="<api key>")
>>> current = sObj.getCurrentUser()